Types of Layers

Understanding Layers

Audio Layer

Setting Explanation
Audio File Type Select the audio resolution required for the recording.
Auto Align recording Turn on to automatically trim align recordings to the trim margin position.
Auto Align Position The Auto Align Position controls where the audio will appear in relation to the title if Auto Align is enabled. For Audio Description this would normally be set to apox. 0.12s. For dubbing 0s is more appropriate.
Auto Trim Recording Turn on to automatically trim recordings based on silence level.
Silence Guard Start Controls how much silence is kept at the clip start when auto trimming using the silence level.
Silence Guard End Controls how much silence is kept at the clip end when auto trimming using the silence level.
AD Fade Mode Set how the Fade levels are calculate in an Audio Description file.
Default Fade (dB) Adjust the default fade level.
Default Fade Duration (sec) Adjust the default length of a fade segment, normally set to match Record Offset.
Default Fade Offset (sec) Adjust the default fade value.

Reading Layer

Setting Explanation
Target WPM value Set the Target/Ideal Words per minute
Low Speed (-%) Set the Minimum speed as a percentage variation of the target value. This is used to create warnings or errors and display triangles.
High Speed (-%) Set the Maximum speed as a percentage variation of the target value. This is used to create warnings or errors and display triangles.
Reading Trigger time for new title (s) Set a time in seconds for a viewer to start reading a title. This is subtracted from the title duration before calculated reading time is compared against the duration.
Low Reading Speed Action Choose how the Low Speed Reading Check should be marked as.

Timing Layer

Setting Explanation
Default interval between titles (frames) Set the internal (gap) between titles to be used when inserting new titles.
Default Subtitle Duration (seconds) Set the default duration to be used when inserting new titles.
Minimum interval between titles (frames) Set the minimum interval (gap) that can be set when editing timecodes in the editor or on the timeline - Can be overridden.
Minimum Subtitle Duration (seconds) Set the minimum duration that can be set when editing timecodes in the editor or on the timeline - Can be overridden.
Interval value below which the cue will snap to default (frames) Set the interval (gap) value below which the editor will snap to the default interval - Can be overridden.
Maximum Subtitle Duration (seconds) Set the maximum title duration.
Enable shot change stickiness Enable or disable sticky operation when editing cue times.
Default time between title Out and shotchange (frames) Set the ideal time between the end of a title and a shot change.
Proximity of title out to shot for snap to default (frames) Set how close an out-cue needs to be to a shotchange before it snaps to the default - Can be overridden.
Default time between shotchange and title In (frames) Set the ideal time between the beginning of a title and a shot change.
Proximity of Title In to shot for snap to default (frames) Set how close an in-cue needs to be to a shotchange before it snaps to the default - Can be overriedden.

Display Style Layer

Setting Explanation
Subtitle Area
Left Margin Left margin for subtitles as a percentage of video width.
Right Margin Right margin for subtitles as a percentage of video width.
Top Margin Top margin for subtitles as a percentage of video height.
Bottom Margin Bottom margin for subtitles as a percentage of video height.
Font Details
Display F1/F2 indicators for PAC Show the font selected for each row of text in the editor. - PAC files only.
Default Font The default font when creating a new subtitle, selected from the two fonts bellow.
Override file defined font details Set to true to always use the default font definition, regardless of any file defined values.
Line end pad Add extra padding to the end of the lines - only visible if some form Boxing is enabled.
Boxing Set the default Boxing style for the file.
Outline Set the default outline style for the file.
Disable word-wrap Disable automatic word wrapping in this file (not supported in all file types)
Font 1 Display Style
Font Size Set the size for Font 1 as a percentage of the screen height.
Line Height Set the line height for each row of text as a percentage of the font height. This will set the inter-row spacing for Font 1.
Pad Top Set the amount of padding above the top row or text - only visible if boxing o stripe is enabled in Font 1.
Pad Bottom Set the amount of padding below the bottom row or text - only visible if boxing or stripe is enable for Font 1.
Font Family Select the style of the font to be used for Font 1.
Default to Right To Left entry Check this box if Font 1 is primarily Right to Left.
Font 2 Display Style
Font Size Set the size for Font 2 as a percentage of the screen height.
Line Height Set the line height for each row of text as a percentage of the font height. This will set the inter-row spacing for Font 2.
Pad Top Set the amount of padding above the top row or text - only visible if boxing o stripe is enabled in Font 2.
Pad Bottom Set the amount of padding below the bottom row or text - only visible if boxing or stripe is enable for Font 2.
Font Family Select the style of the font to be used for Font 2.
Default to Right To Left entry Check this box if Font 2 is primarily Right to Left.

Editor Limits Layer

Setting Explanation
Editing limits
Maximum number of character per line Set how many characters you want to be the maximum per line, any number above this will show as a warning in the editor.
Maximum number of character per line for vertical text Set how many characters you want to be the maximum per line for vertical text, any number above this will show as a warning in the editor.
Maximum number lines in a subtitle Sets the maximum number of lines(rows) in a subtitle.
Subtitle lines must share alignment Normally set by the file type, cannot be edited.
Prevent Wordwrap Option to disable wordwrap. If disable this forces the user to decide on the line break.
Default to Wordwrap Option to disable wordwrap when typing.
Allow leading and trailing spaces when editing Option to allows leading an training spaces. This can be used to change box sizes or to position text.
Enable Italics Option to enable or disable Italic text in the file.
Enable Underline Option to enable or disable Underline text in the file.
Enable Bold Option to enable or disable Bold text in the file.
Enable Foreground Color Option to enable or disable foreground colors in the file.
Enable Background Color Option to enable or disable background colors in the file.
Color codes take spaces Enable to enforce color codes when counting line lengths - required for Teletext format files.
Teletext style display Option to enforce a Teletext style display of titles in the editor.
Enable Boxing Control Option to enable or disable box an stripe styles in the file.
Enable Outline / Dropshadow Control Option to enable or disable outline style in the file.
Default Boxing to set when creating subtitles Set the boxing style to be used for new titles.
Default outline to set when creating subtitles Set the outline style to be used for new titles.
Enforce Renumbering Force renumbering of subtitles after an Insert, Delete, Split or Merge ( Note: Some file types will renumber even if this control option is disabled.)
Line Character Count calculation Adjustments
Enable Ruby entry Option to enable or disable rubies.
Enable Pictographic Text Emphasis entry Option to enable or disable adding Text Emphasis to pictographic languages.
Enable Text Combine entry Option to enable or disable combining text horizontally in the vertical text.
Enable Vertical text Option to enable or disable Vertical Text presentation.

QC Style Layer

Setting Explanation
Cue Timing
Target interval (frames) Used as a default value when attempting to fix a cue interval related issue
Minimum interval (frames) Used to detect titles whose interval is below this value.
Minimum Subtitle Duration (seconds) Used to detect if the title is below a certain duration.
Maximum Subtitle Duration (seconds) Used to detect if the title is above a certain duration.
Shot Change Timing
Enable Proximity to Shotchange Checks Enable or Disable the Checking of titles alignment with shot changes.
Reading Contains settings for Words Per Minute mode
Reading Speed mode Set how the reading speed will be calculated in the QC checks:Words per Minute (WPM) Characters per Second (CPS) WPM with Word Frequency ( this option takes into account the fact that common words can be read more quickly than usual words)
Target WPM value Set the Target/Ideal Words per minute
Low Speed (-%) Set the Minimum speed as a percentage variation of the target value. This is used to create warnings or errors and display triangles.
High Speed (-%) Set the Maximum speed as a percentage variation of the target value. This is used to create warnings or errors and display triangles.
Reading Trigger time for new title (s) Set a time in seconds for a viewer to start reading a title.
This is subtracted from the title duration before calculated reading time is compared against the duration.
Low Reading Speed Action Choose how the Low Speed Reading Check should be marked as.
Audio Recording
Fade timing and level checks Error fade if duration(slope) or level settings are different from defaults.
Maximum lines per title Sets the error rule for the maximum number of lines (Rows) of text in a subtitle. Any title with more will cause an error in the QC checks.
Maximum characters per line Sets the error rule for the maximum number of characters allowed in a row.
Maximum characters per line for vertical Sets the error rule for the maximum number of characters allowed in a row for vertical text.
CPS Calculation Adjustments CPS Adjustments - these settings allow fine adjustment of how the CPS value for a title is calculated in the QC checks.
Space weight The fraction of a character counted for word spaces (multiple spaces count as one).
Linebreak weight The fraction of a character counted for line breaks (multiple line breaks count as one).
Roman/other character weight The fraction of a character counted for non-ideographic characters (Roman, Cyrillic, etc.)
Ideographic character weight The fraction of a character counted for ideographic characters ( Chinese, Japanese, etc.)
Punctuation weight The fraction of a character counted for punctuation.
Digit weight The fraction of a character counted for digits (0-9)
Include Rubies in calculation Check this box to include Rubies in the CPS calculation.
Count horizontal text in vertical as a single ideographic character Check this box to count combine text one character, else it will be counted as multiple.
Warn if horizontal position is not Set warning rules to check if titles are not in a set position on screen horizontally.
Warn if vertical position is not Set warning rules to check if titles are not in a set position on screen vertically.
Error subtitle if is outside safe area bounds Set a rule to check for out of bounds text relative to safe area.
Font Details
Line end pad Add extra padding to the end of lines - only visible if some form of Boxing is enabled.
Font 1 Display Size
Font Size Set the Font 1 size as a percentage of the screen height.
Font Family Select the style of font to be used for Font 1.
Font 2 Display Size
Font Size Set the Font 2 size as a percentage of the screen height.
Font Family Select the style of font to be used for Font 2.
Warn if boxing is not Set a rule to warn if title has a different boxing style for that set here.
Warn if underline is not Set a rule to warn if title has a different outline style for that set here.
Warn if title contains colors Set a rule to warn if any colors are used.
Warn if title contains bold characters Set a rule to warn if bold text is present.
Warn if title contains italic characters Set a rule to warn if italic text is present.
Warn if title is all italics Set a rule to warn if all characters in the title are italics.
Warn if title contains underlined characters Set a rule to warn if underlined text is present.
Warn if title contains uppercase words Set a rule to warn if uppercase text is present.
Warn if title is all uppercase Set a rule to warn if all characters in the title are uppercase.
Warn if title contains digits (0-10) Set a rule to warn if numbers 0 to 10 are present in a title.
Warn Mismatching Brackets or Quotation Marks Set a rule to warn if brackets or quotation marks are not paired properly.

Combined Layer

Contains all the Rules in a single Layer.
Useful if you only need a very limited number of Profiles and don’t need the flexibility of multiple Layers.