Tutorial: Tasks

Working with Tasks

  • When work is being assigned to you, it will be done under the form of a Task.
  • These tasks will contain all the files that are necessary for you to work on.
  • Once you have been assigned a task, you can proceed to load it in Stellar.

Finding your Tasks

To find your tasks, please click on the Tasks button.
In the Tasks menu, please click on the Load Task button to open the Task Manager window.

Once the window is open, please click on My Tasks

Pending Tasks - These tasks are currently being prepared for you. You will be able to access them once the Manager has set them to Active.

Active Tasks - These task are the one you can currently work on.

Completed Tasks - These tasks are the ones that you have completed.

Deleted Tasks - Only visible to Managers, will list the tasks that have been deleted.

Loading a Task

  • To load a task, please go to Once the window is open, please click on TasksLoad TaskMy TasksActive Tasks

  • Before you can work on a Task you must download it.

  • On the Tasks Started & Ready Tab select the task you want and click on the corresponding Download button. image

  • You will be asked if you want to download the required files – Click Yes

  • You may be asked if you want to download additional media files. Unless you know you already have these on your machine click Yes.

  • You will be asked if you want to open the selected task.

    • Click Yes to start work immediately
    • Click No if you’re just downloading the files for later use.

Exiting a Task

To exit the task, please click on the Tasks button.
In the Tasks menu, please click on the Current Task and the on Exit Current Task