File Status Widget

The Widget - Quality Control

Files Status allows the user to see detailed statistic of any subtitle/ad/dub file. It can be opened as separate window or it can added to a Stellar Layout as a widget.

File Status window - Left Click on the ≡ icon on each subtitle/ad/dub file. A red dot will appear if the QC has identified that errors are present in the file.

This will open the File Status window for the respective file. By default it will open the Titles Tab.
The File Status window has 4 main views which can be accessed by using the top left menu:

  • Overview
  • Properties
  • Titles
  • Role (only for SRTDUB and TTAL files)

File Status Widget

If you want to have the Status Window as a widget in your Stellar Workspace, you can add Status Widget and then enable it. !Make sure that the “Hide this Widget” Switch is off, or else you will not be able to see the widget in the Stellar Workplace.

The File Status Widget has the same functionality as the File Status Window.


The Overview Tab provides the user with valuable information and statistics regarding the current sub/dub/ad/text file.

Statistics section - showcases a range of data depending on the type of file that was selected.

Active Errors section - showcases a summary of the current active errors
Active Warnings section - showcases a summary of the current active warnings


The Properties Tab offers an overview of the settings that are currently applied for the selected file.

The main focus of this tab is the Properties list.

  1. Display Name - The name of the currently selected file.
  2. Type - The type of the currently selected file
  3. Editable - Sets the Protection level for the currently selected file
  4. Protect Text - enables/disables Text Protection
  5. Library - Shows the library where the currently selected file resides
  6. File - Shows the path/name of the currently selected file
  7. Selected profile - Shows the path the active profile which is applied to the currently selected file
  8. Remove profile - Remove the current profile
  9. Edit Profile - Allows the user to edit the current profile
  10. Load Profile - Allows the user to load a new profile
  11. Offset -
  12. Offset2 -
  13. Comments - Allows the user to add comments or information regarding the currently selected file


The Titles Tab offers an overview of the Error and Warnings for the currently selected file.
There are two areas of interest in the Titles view:

  • Title Filters
  • Title list

Title Filters - this filter menu will help you sort titles based on several criteria:

Message Description
Errors Checking this box only show the titles which currently contain an Error. For a more granular selection, use the ˅ icon [arrow head] on the right side to expand the Error list.
Warnings Checking this box only show the titles which currently contain a Warning. For a more granular selection, use the ˅ icon [arrow head] on the right side to expand the Warning list.
Ignored Errors Checking this box only show the titles which currently contain a Ignored Errors. For a more granular selection, use the ˅ icon [arrow head] on the right side to expand the Ignored Errors list.
Ignored Warning Checking this box only show the titles which currently contain a Ignored Warning. For a more granular selection, use the ˅ icon [arrow head] on the right side to expand the Ignored Warning list.
Comments Checking this box only show the titles which currently contain a comment.
Not Approved Checking this box only show the titles which currently are not approved.

Title List - this section allows the user to work with individual titles. Each title can have several status indicators / or action icons on the right side of the title text.

Marker Description On Hover
image115x112 Errors are present in the title image 223x98
image 104x97 Ignored Errors are present in the title image198x74
image 99x97 The title has not be approved image229x48
image 32x30 Ignored warning are present in this title image220x74
image32x31 Warnings are present in this title image284x121
image33x36 Will attempt to fix Errors and Warnings for the current title image 300x82


The Role tab will appear only for SRTDUB and TTAL files. The Role tab provides a summary of all the titles (lines) for each Role in the dubbing Project. This is useful to see the status of the recording for a whole program.

If no Roles have been set, this area will looks like the image bellow:

If there are Roles already set in the file, the area will look like this:

Fixing Errors

Some Errors can be Auto-fixed by pressing the Wrench Icon corresponding to each title. In order to see the wrench icon, you have to first select Errors ( or Warnings) in the Title Filter list.

Let us look at the example bellow. We have selected the Errors filter → Lists all the titles which have an Error in them → each of them now have a Wrench Icon

You can go one by one through the titles and attempt to fix the Errors by pressing the Wrench Icon.
The second option is to use the Action → Errors & Warnings → Fix (no. of titles) button that appears in the bottom right corner once a filter has been applied. This will attempt to fix all the titles which are currently filtered.


Action Description
Errors & Warnings
Fix Fix filtered errors and warnings for selected titles. Note: Only when filtering by one type of error or warning at a time.
Ignore Mark filtered errors and warning for selected titles as Ignored.
Unignore Mark filtered errors and warnings for selected titles as not Ignored
Title Styling
Foreground Color Change foreground color for the selected/filtered titles.
Background Color Change background color for the selected/filtered titles.
Font Assign Font 1 or Font 2 for the selected/filtered titles.
Formatting Remove Bold/Italic/Underline for the selected/filtered titles.
Boxing Change Boxing style for the selected/filtered titles.
Outline Change Outline style for the selected/filtered titles.
Horizontal Position Change the horizontal position for the selected/filtered titles.
Vertical Change the vertical position for the selected/filtered titles.
Delete Titles Delete the selected/filtered titles.
Approve Titles
Set Approved Marks the title as approved.
Clear Approved Clears the approved status.
Change Role Changes the role of the selected titles.
Remove Role Removes the role of the selected titles
Copy Titles Copy selected titles.
Cut Titles Cut selected titles.
Paste Titles Paste selected titles
Delete Titles Delete selected titles